Tree planting volunteering with Our City Forest -San Jose
Our City Forest is a Non Governmental Organization based in San Jose, specialized in nursery, tree planting and tree care. They got a wonderful team of tree and plant lovers. They sell plants and trees at affordable rate, and they also offer some trees and plants for free. They conduct Tree Amigo program three times a year , which trains volunteers on tree planting, tree care, tree transplantation and converting water intense lawn into a beautiful garden. This is a 5 week program that is very enjoyable and learning experience for volunteers. At the end of Tree Amigo program, they provide a program completion certificate and a nice T-shirt. They utilize the help of Tree Amigos and new volunteers in their mission of greenifying the city. I used to think tree planting is very simple. We got to just dig the pit, and plant a sapling. After completing the Tree Amigo program, I realized utmost care is needed while planting the trees and also while taking care of it when it is growi...