Solo hiking gives one a much needed rejuvenation and some time for self reflection along with improvement in endurance. I started doing solo hiking from October 2018 in trails which I am very familiar about it and find it as safe. I met random hikers on the way, strike a conversation and exchange smiles along the way. Doesn't it sound refreshing? yes for sure. Can sense self motivation while walking in strenuous path. Body and mind copes up well when something in you motivates to push harder. There will be some calculative risk such as encountering wild animals, getting late for exiting or coming to safe spot, running out of water and food, and increasing chances of getting injured. It will be challenging to cope up while alone. I did may be my 4th Solo hiking in Rancho San Antonio Preserve. Rancho San Antonio preserve is a beautiful park with gorgeous mountains, landscapes and many hiking trials. I did 12 miles long hike. It was used to be pretty Sunset view at top of...
Half marathon , a continues run for 13.1 miles, is a challenge for runners. It is pretty hard , but the achievement gives great level of confidence and happiness. It injects immense amount dopamine. Instills dogged perseverance. Ran my sixth half marathon today in Cupertino streets and park. It was the most toughest run I did. I was underprepared , didnt do any warmup or workout, didnt have my breakfast, and had an energy draining self pleasure activity. I also didn't carry water or banana. Phew. Would have died. lol. I felt not so great at the start of the run itself, as it was so warm and I started thinking about. I should have grabbed a water to the park or atleast the packaged coconut water. Nah, I wanted to push hard and see whether I can fight it out. It was a slow start, and I was surrounded by lot of people in the park. I didnt carry a mask, so I was wary of not going closer to anyone. People were walking close to me. Unlike my last run, I didnt feel great for ...
Our City Forest is a Non Governmental Organization based in San Jose, specialized in nursery, tree planting and tree care. They got a wonderful team of tree and plant lovers. They sell plants and trees at affordable rate, and they also offer some trees and plants for free. They conduct Tree Amigo program three times a year , which trains volunteers on tree planting, tree care, tree transplantation and converting water intense lawn into a beautiful garden. This is a 5 week program that is very enjoyable and learning experience for volunteers. At the end of Tree Amigo program, they provide a program completion certificate and a nice T-shirt. They utilize the help of Tree Amigos and new volunteers in their mission of greenifying the city. I used to think tree planting is very simple. We got to just dig the pit, and plant a sapling. After completing the Tree Amigo program, I realized utmost care is needed while planting the trees and also while taking care of it when it is growi...
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