4th Waste clean up volunteering

 Tons of wastes are generated in our every day lives. Most of the wastes end up either in landfill or in ocean. This poses serious threat to ecosystem including us, humans. This fact gives lots of worry.

I am trying my best to live a ecofriendly life by reducing the generation of plastic wastes, reusing old stuffs and recycling the plastics. Try to share with people around me. I always used to think that there is lot more ways one can help environment. Volunteering for waste clean up activity is one such way where one can help environment. 

 Keep coyote creek beautiful is a waste management volunteer organization based in San Jose, who regularly conducts waste clean up activity along the creeks in San Jose. I started doing the clean up activity with them since November 2020. I did my fourth cleanup volunteering activity today. It was a great day to work in that event. I met many enthusiastic volunteers who put great hard work in cleaning up the wastes. Their passion and energy are contagious. 

I moved the wastes from the pickup point and dropped in collection container. I was teamed up with one the volunteer who is an environmentalist. We both moved the wastes two times between the two points. It was tiring but self satisfying. We struck a many interesting conversation about  Sierra club membership and the activities. Was excited to hear about the camping activities and first aid training. I am inclined to join as a member in Seirra club.

I then met a dad and his son, who were doing this clean up activity with absolute commitment. That kid was carrying a huge pile of trash himself. His dad consider this activity as self satisfying. It was great meeting them.

I tried to check whether there is an opportunity for me to work with team closely interms of organizing the events, conducting the activity and giving guidelines. They were appreciative of my interest. I then checked for their T-shirt and offered to pay for it. But, they were kind enough to offer me with T-shirt for free.

In short, it was a great day working for nature's cause. I look forward to next event, Feb 06,2021. 

Volunteers while cleaning up


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